It can be difficult to understand what medication therapy management entails, so I've put together this guide to help you understand what it entails and its benefits!
What is Medication therapy management?
Medication therapy management is an all-encompassing term that covers how to take, review and manage your medications.
It’s important for you to know that there are many people involved in this process: your doctor; pharmacist; nurse; patient education specialist; dietitian (if applicable); physical therapist (if applicable); social worker (if applicable).
Medication therapy management can be broken down into three parts:
- Medication review/monitoring by the prescriber or pharmacist;
- Follow-up visits with specialists such as allergists or cardiologists who specialize in certain conditions;
- Self-care plan development
There are many reasons why people don't take their medications at the right dose and time, but you can work with your doctors and pharmacists to come up with solutions.
For example, if you have a mental health problem or another chronic illness such as diabetes, it's important that you understand how much medication will affect your blood sugar levels (and vice versa).
You might also need help figuring out which medications go together well so that your body doesn't get too many side effects from drugs.

Some common reasons for taking too much or too little of a prescription include:
- Inadequate understanding of how to take the medication
- Inadequate knowledge about side effects
- Inadequate understanding of drug interactions
- Difficulties finding medication
Sometimes your doctor may not prescribe enough medication for you to have in between appointments.
It's important to let them know if this is happening.
Request a refill from your doctor before you run out.
They can also advise you on when and how frequently (e.g., every three months) you should get prescription refills.
Rather than walking from one pharmacy to the next in search of medications, you can easily get them online at Afyabook, where you can order them from your preferred pharmacy and have them delivered to you. You save time, energy, and money.
Make sure you understand exactly how to take your medications before leaving the pharmacy or doctor's office or call.
It's ok to ask questions! It's important to remember that you are the patient, and your doctor or pharmacist is there to help you
Be sure that a medication has been prescribed by a qualified healthcare professional who has examined and assessed your health condition(s).
Side effects
If your medication comes with a lot of side effects, it might be a good idea to talk about switching the medication or other options.
You may be able to switch to another medication that has fewer side effects or find better ways of dealing with specific symptoms.
It’s also possible that there is something else wrong with your body (like an allergy) and therefore this medication isn't working for you at all!
For instance, antihistamines, commonly known as allergy medications may cause anxiety, confusion, sedation, blurred vision, reduced mental alertness, urinary retention, and constipation, especially in elderly individuals.
Ask about side effects and how long these might last after stopping treatment with the offending drug.
Discuss drug interactions with other medications as well as non-medication treatment options.
Pharmacists are the experts on medications. They can help you determine if a drug is appropriate for you based on your condition or goal.
Doctors are the experts in your health care plan and will work with pharmacists to ensure they are aware of any recommendations or changes made by the pharmacy that affect medications being prescribed by them or their patients.
Your pharmacist can tell you what side effects to look out for when on any new medications as well as how long they typically last.
Mild side effects are common and usually short-lived. These include diarrhea, dry mouth, and nausea.
Moderate side effects are more serious but rare than mild ones; these may include: low blood pressure (hypotension), dizziness/lightheadedness, and palpitations (a fast heart rate).
Severe side effects are life-threatening conditions that require immediate medical attention—for example;
- Chest pain/tightness or trouble breathing;
- Blurred vision;
- Fainting/passing out;
- Seizures;
- Convulsions (jerking movements);
- Hallucinations
This can result in death if not treated immediately at an emergency room or hospital setting.
Drug Interactions
Your pharmacist will also check for drug interactions between multiple medications or other substances.
Drug interactions are dangerous because they can cause side effects, or even make them worse.
For example, a medication that is taken along with another medication may cause the first one to be less effective than usual and result in an increased risk of side effects.
Drug interactions are especially important for people who regularly use two or more different types of medications—such as someone who takes daily anti-seizure medications such as phenobarbital and sodium valproate, but also suffers from chronic pain due to fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS).
There are many parts of medication therapy management that can help you properly use your medication safely.
Find out more at Afyabook MTM and get in touch with a medication therapy management provider.
Pharmacists are experts in this area, and they can help you understand how to take your medications, including how much to take and at what intervals.
They also know about side effects that may occur from taking certain medications so they can warn you about them before they happen (or prevent them from happening altogether).
Pharmacists know about drug interactions between multiple medications so they can check for these interactions on a regular basis and make sure you're getting the best treatment possible for whatever ailment you have.
It’s important to take your medications at the right time and dose.
If you are unsure about this, talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or nurse practitioner.
They can help you find out what works best for you and will make sure that all of your questions are answered before leaving their office or call.
Start taking control of your medication and health, the choice is up to you!