
Your high blood pressure is a serious health issue, and it can lead to symptoms like heart failure and stroke.
But there are many things you can do on your own to help keep your BP under control.
You may not be able to stop taking medication or cut out processed foods from your diet overnight, but these lifestyle changes could make a big difference in the long term.
Here's what I recommend:
1. Eat a well-balanced diet that's low in salt.
Eating a well-balanced diet that's low in salt is an important part of lowering blood pressure.
Eat fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
A good way to lower your sodium intake is by including more of these foods in your meals and snacks as they are low in sodium.
Choose low-sodium foods when you're shopping for groceries or ordering takeout.
Ask restaurants if they can prepare your food without added salt; if they can't, ask them not to add any extra salt while preparing your meal (or leaving it on the table).
It doesn't necessarily mean that the restaurant will reduce their profit margin by doing this—it just means that customers who request this smaller amount may receive better quality food without having to pay more money for it!
2. Limit alcohol.
Alcohol contains a chemical called ethanol that can cause your body to retain water, which raises blood pressure.
Limit alcohol to no more than 1 drink per day for women and 2 drinks per day for men.
Drink more water than alcohol.
Alcohol can raise blood pressure by causing dehydration and by increasing the risk of stroke or heart disease in those who already have high blood pressure.
3. Enjoy regular physical activity.
Regular physical activity is one of the best ways to lower blood pressure.
In fact, a study published in the Journal of Hypertension found that people who participated in 30 minutes or more per day of moderate-intensity physical activity had a 23% lower risk of developing high blood pressure than those who did not.
If you're not sure how much time you should spend exercising each day, try starting with 10 minutes and working up from there.
If this seems overwhelming, then consider breaking down your exercise into smaller segments instead: five 10-minute sessions throughout the week (for example).
This will help keep it simple and manageable for anyone—even if they don't feel like getting started right away!
4. Manage stress.
Stress is a major cause of high blood pressure, so it's important to manage stress in your life.
One way to do this is through exercise, meditation or other methods.
If you have trouble relaxing at the end of the day and need some help with that, consider talking with friends or family members about your feelings.
You could also talk with a counselor if you need extra support in dealing with major stresses in your life.
5. Maintain a healthy weight.
If you're overweight, it's important to note that weight loss is a slow process.
While you can expect to see some results within the first few weeks of your new lifestyle, it may take months or years before you reach your ideal weight.
In order to maintain this new lifestyle and keep your blood pressure in check, make sure that any diet or exercise plan is healthy and safe for both your body and mind.
If necessary, seek out medical advice from a certified nutritionist or doctor who specializes in treating high blood pressure.
Another option for those looking to lose weight quickly is medication: certain drugs can help reduce stress levels while also causing people who take them over time (such as beta blockers) result in lower cholesterol levels which decreases risk factor such as stroke rate but only if they're monitored closely enough by their doctors!
6. Quit smoking.
If you smoke, quit. It's not easy, but there are some things that can help you along the way.
You might be surprised at how much better your health will be when you quit smoking.
Try nicotine patches or gum with bupropion as an aid to quitting smoking (Bupropion is a medication used to help people stop smoking).
These medications work by increasing the availability of dopamine in your brain, which reduces cravings for cigarettes and makes it easier to resist them when they come up again.
They should only be taken while trying to quit smoking though; taking them too early may actually make things worse before they get better!
7. Take your medications properly.
You should also take your medications properly.
A pill box is a good place to start, but you should ask your doctor about other ways to keep track of them:
Make sure that you take the medication at the same time every day.
This will help you remember when it's time to take it and make sure that you don't skip doses because you forgot or got distracted by something else during the day (like work).
If possible, try taking medications with food so they're more effective—but if this isn't possible due to allergies or sensitivities, then make sure they're taken on an empty stomach before eating anything else in order not to alter their effectiveness too much (and potentially cause adverse reactions).
8. Work together with your doctor
Regular blood pressure checks and recording are important.
There is an easier and simpler way of doing this at Afyabook, under your profile click on Afya Tab and start recording your test readings.
Your doctor can help you find the right medication and dosage for you.
You should also talk to your doctor about getting support from family and friends, as well as maintaining a healthy weight.
If you have high blood pressure or any other health problem that could be improved with lifestyle changes like these, it's best to get started on making those changes today!
Remember, these lifestyle changes are all part of a healthy way of living.
If you can make all these changes to your life, your blood pressure will gradually fall and stay low—and so will your risk for heart disease and stroke.